Social Contribution Activities

Junichi Kato, the President of this company, is serving the post of Director General of the Taiwan Chinese Go Association. He is involved in sponsoring numerous tournaments to further promote the advancement of the go industry, raise the level of go players in Taiwan to the international level. He is striving for environmental improvements through such efforts.

Principal Activities for Social Contribution

Kato is the Representative Director of the company and has been a resident of Taiwan for over 30 years. He is also an amateur fan of go. He assumed the post of Director General of the Taiwan Chinese Go Association in 2008, hoping to create a healthy go environment in Taiwan by unifying the power of people who love go. Many tournaments have been held since then by sponsorship provided by USE and facilitated a place for go players in Taiwan to take part in competitive games. Superior competition in tournaments on a global scale is expected of our players, by providing them with the opportunity to engage in competition against good opponents.

  • May 2011, Co-sponsorship of the First USE Professional Competition Cup
  • November 2011, Co-sponsorship of the First USE Competition Cup (10th dan)
  • March 2012, Co-sponsorship of the Taiwan Representatives Selection Games for the 17th LG World Go Championship Cup
  • May 2012, Co-sponsorship of the Taiwan Representatives Selection Games for 17th Samsung World Go Championship Cup
  • May 2012, Co-sponsorship of the First USE Training Competition Cup
  • June 2012, Co-sponsorship of the Second USE Competition Cup (First Round of the 10th dan)
  • September 2012, Co-sponsorship of the Second USE Competition Cup (Second Round of the 10th dan)


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